"We have called FACITY into life, because we wanted to show faces in a way one has not seen before. Close, direct, intime, naked, natural, genuine. And we hope, you see it this way, too."
Here are your directions, aka the "Manifest": http://facity.com/manifest/
1. Frontal position to the camera (no leaning head).
2. Open sharp eyes (focus on the eyes).
3. No smile. Natural facial expression.
4. Pure faces (minimum of make-up). Hair pulled backward (minimum of hair visible).
5. No clothing visible. No glasses, no jewelry (exception: piercings).
6. Partial head shot (refer to other faces).
7. Only indoor daylight. No artificial light sources. Clean background.
8. Aperture 2,8 with a 50 mm lens (or similar conditions).
9. Square format (at least 600x600 pixels).
10. Minimal processing (as realistic as possible).
Plus there's a PDF tutorial, with pictures. Download: http://www.facity.com/facity_instruction.pdf
Makes me think of this:
And this: